My name is Bethany Pryor and I am a student studying Media and Journalism with a double major in Drama at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. I was born in raised in beautiful Boone, North Carolina where I developed a deep rooted love for storytelling. As I study at UNC-Chapel Hill I have become very involved in clubs, such as the UNC Women’s Club Volleyball Team. I am also a writer for the Daily Tar Heel at the sports desk.

Growing up I knew I was going to spend my life performing. When I was little I used to say, “I’m only ever happy when I’m on stage.” I found my love for the stage at such a young age. My parents were both athletes, which only made my love for performance even more out of the ordinary.

I fell in love with volleyball as my mom was a coach for the majority of my life. I ended my high school career having played five sports. My connection with the theater, my passion for writing, and my love for athletics combines creating the perfect opportunity to pursue a career in sports broadcasting. I am so grateful to be at UNC-Chapel Hill because I have been given the opportunity to pursue a career that will allow me to continue working with many aspects of my life that I have put so much time and effort in for so long.